Phytochemical features and valorization of some medicinal and aromatic plants of steppe regions. [PDF]
Development of Safran cultivating (Crocus sativus L.) in favour of the rural woman of arid and semi-arid regions. [PDF]
Evaluation of different strategies of irrigations management in the arid regions [PDF]
Valorization and management of Saharan wet zone [PDF]
Functional approach and evolutionary tendency by ecological index of the Ziban Avifauna and the study bio ecology of some emblematic species. [PDF]
The dominant pathology of camel breeding in Algeria. [PDF]
Study of feeding attitude and the performance of the of the sheep led the herd of sheep on the palm grove of the Ziban /Axe in which the project inserts :other breeding (sheep and goat ).. [PDF]
Impact of some cultivation substrate about the growth of pistachio tree seeding of the atlas. [PDF]
Eco physiological and phytochemical characterization of acacia in the region of Tindouf and the possibility of valorization. [PDF]
Impact of phytosanitary treatment practises in the system of intensive production on the compartment water and soil and quantification of waste of pesticides on some species of solanaceae in arid regions. [PDF]
Intensification and development for sustainable agriculture in arid Case Biskra [PDF]
Division water resources :
Softening ground water of Northern Sahara. Test of several techniques. [PDF]
Natural purification of urban waste water. Realization of pilot station in the region of Touggourt. [PDF]
Treatment of scaling water of the Albian layer of the region of Oued Righ. [PDF]
Contribution to the study of flood risk in the region of Bechar. [PDF]
Date palm division :
Current state of the palm grove of Saoura to the bayoud disease of the palm date tree (Fusariumoxysporum f. sp. albedinis). [PDF]
Design and realization of machines and for proposal techniques for the different of cultivating and date palm tree operations. [PDF]
State of the palm grove of Saoura to the bayoud disease of the palm date tree (Fusariumoxysporum f. sp. albedinis). [PDF]
Biochemical and organeltic characterization of cultivars DeglatNour, Ghars, Tantebouch, Itima, Ftimi, Aghras, Timojhort, Boufegous,…to the ends pf valorization.. [PDF]
Valorization of parasitic bevy for optimal of biological fight againt the date borer Apomyeloisceratoniae Zeller , 1838 in the palm grove and in the storage store. [PDF]
Division of Soil and Arid regions :
The soils of the Sahara and the changes of their qualities under iriigation: Case of the Zibans soil. [PDF]
Division of Desertification :
Effects of agrarian mutations in the city of Souf (east south of Algeria) about the ecosystem, environment and health. [PDF]
Characterization of the desertification indicator and the impact on the environment in the basin of hodna. [PDF]
Techniques and methods of fixing mobile sands for the protection of the railway infrastructure (case of the section of Touggourt-Djamaa). [PDF]
Irrigation water and soils salinity in irrigated section in the valley of Oued Righ. [PDF]
Division of socio-economic:
The unemployment of the graduated in the state Biskra: employment political evaluation and training. [PDF]