The official opening of the preparation Workshop of the Algerian food security research and innovation strategic plan 2020-2030 was led yesterday by Professor Hafid AOURAG, General Director of the Scientific Research and Technological Development (DGRSDT) from 02 to 04 February 2020 at the conference room of CRSTRA Biskra. This workshop aims to provide a national multisectoral strategy to ensure a sustainable food security for the country. After the national anthem, the Director of the Centre Prof. Belhamra Mohamed welcomed all the participants and the guests he underlined the role of science, technologies, innovation and agricultural research programs to handle the problems of food insecurity, this is with the presence of the new governor of Biskra Abinouar Abdallah and Prof. Belhamra Mohamed and Boutarfaya Ahmed rector of the University of Biskra and Dr. Lakhdari Fatoum and Algerian scientific expertise presenting in Algeria and abroad.