- Water laboratory
- Soil laboratory
- Bioresources laboratory
- Vegetable biosystematic laboratory
- Geomatic laboratory
- Realization of map library : which has a background of :
3762 topographic maps of the total coverage of the Algerian arid regions at different scales, with a lot of vectorizing maps and over 63 geological maps accompanied by several boxes of aerial photography at scale of 1/40 000th. (878 pictures contact).
The Bioresources Experimental Station of El Outaya :
- Collections Laboratory (floral and faunal specimens)constitution a living collection of different cultivars of date palms (700 feet), which some of them are endangered.
- Culture Laboratory in vitro:
- Realization of grinding unit
- Food / livestock
- Waste / vegetables ( compost )
Experimental Station of biophysical environment ( Touggourt )
- agro – pedology Laboratory
- zootechny and veterinary Laboratory
- Installation of two solar agro – meteorological stations
At the two experimental stations (Bioresources station of El Outaya and the station of biophysical environments (Touggourt). They allow the acquisition of conventional parameters (temperature, rainfall, wind...) and requiring parameters for irrigation management (ETP humidity and soil temperature hydric potential of planet ..). network is provided in the development plan of the Centre).
Experimental station ( Taghit bechar ) :
- Date palm laboratory and fight against Bayoudh